Welcome to Dedicated Money Management
Steve and Robbie Brooks
My name is Steve Brooks and I have had a life-long passion to help people to become “good and faithful stewards." I have been married to my beautiful wife, Robbie, for 45 years; we have 3 sons, 3 daughters-in-law and 6 wonderful grand-children...with more hopefully on the way!
My professional experience:
I have been in vocational, Christian service all of my adult life – 21 years with Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) and 27 years with Crown Financial Ministries.
I have been a trained budget coach for over 20 years.
My wife and I have lived on a budget for 44+ years! By God’s Grace and living by His financial principles, we have been completely debt-free for over 10 years--including our home. We were able to do this raising 3 sons on a missionary's salary.
In 1993, I brought Crown Financial Ministries to Arizona, and since then helped over 80,000 people learn God's financial principles and become good stewards.
I look forward to hearing from you and meeting with you soon to share with you how Dedicated Money Management solutions can help your personal financial needs.